
Leading Service is given to our Clients by us On-site Consultation; Assessment, Evaluation, and Training hen we conduct an on-site consultation for a new client, we provide the following:

 Provide materials and management training concerning the requirements for (1) recordkeeping, (2) written safety programs, and (3) employee training.
 Provide and discuss the details of the most frequently cited violations for your
 Provide material and coach the client concerning how to handle Health and Safety inspection, including inspection priorities and types of inspections, preparing for the inspection, the inspection process, dealing with the inspector, and how to deal with the inspection results.
 Analyze the prior years’ workplace accidents and injuries, compare the company
with others in its industry, and ascertain trends.
 Provide materials and training concerning Health and Safety recordkeeping requirements.
 Audit the clients’ existing safety program and evaluate its effectiveness.
 Conduct a “mock” inspection of the workplace or job site, which will address
specific Construction (Design and Management) Regulations requirements, including recordkeeping, technical standards, training, and Construction (Design and Management) Regulations programs.
 Provide material and train the client’s management team concerning the basic principles of safety management and the identification, evaluation and control of safety hazards in their workplace.
 Complete a written report that will list the risk-improvement recommendations the client should comply with to improve their safety management and
comply with Construction (Design and Management) Regulations requirements.